GDPR Compliance What does Privacy by Default mean?

In the digital era we find ourselves in, the protection of personal data has become a crucial priority. One of the key principles guiding this protection is 'Privacy by Default'. But what does it exactly mean, and why is it so important? Let's delve into the concept to gain a better understanding.

The concept behind Privacy by Default

The principle of 'Privacy by Default' dictates that technologies and services should be designed and set up from the outset to provide the highest level of personal data protection. This involves collecting only the most necessary personal information and retaining data only for as long as necessary to deliver the respective product or service. It's an approach aimed at protecting users' privacy as a standard, rather than as an additional option.

How it works

In practice, "Privacy by Default" entails that products and services are designed in a way that safeguards user privacy from the outset. This may include measures such as:

  1. Minimum data collection: Only the most necessary data is collected to avoid unnecessary storage of personal information.
  2. Limited data retention period: Personal data is not retained longer than necessary to fulfill the respective purpose.
  3. Pre-set privacy settings: Products come with the highest privacy settings pre-set as default.

The benefits of Privacy by Default

By adhering to the principles of 'Privacy by Default,' companies and developers can ensure that they consider user privacy from the outset. This not only protects users but also enhances trust in the companies and their products or services, as they are built with user security and privacy at the forefront.


'Privacy by Default' is a vital strategy in safeguarding user data in the digital age. It promotes the creation of products and services that respect and prioritize user privacy. By implementing this approach from the outset, it ensures a more responsible and ethical handling of personal data, serving to build and maintain trust between companies and their customers. It's a win-win situation where both users and companies benefit from the advantages that such an approach brings

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  • 1:04
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    General Privacy

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    Standard processing activities

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    Processing activity flow

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    Annual wheel

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    Risk assessment

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