Data Processor Audit Service Digital audit of your data processors
Safe and effective GDPR compliance - Supervision of data processors made easy

DPA Service Supervision of data processors

Expert drafted and updated questionnaire

Get in touch Dedicated DPA Service team

DPA service in Lægeforeningen
"At Lægeforeningen, we have used the DPA service for a number of years. The responsibility for keeping our data processors in the loop cannot be outsourced, but the control of them can be. .legal has been the right choice for us. .legal is both professional and welcoming, and with skilled employees, including students, we quickly get the help we require. With .legals documentation tools, we feel well prepared for a possible overhaul."
/Michael Berner, Lawyer at the Lægeforeningen

The 5 steps of the assessment
01. Mapping
You provide .legal with information about the specific data processors that you want to assess. You can read more about how to choose, which processors to assess here. This information is noted in a template that you will receive from us. In addition, we prepare an outline for the process.
02. Dissemination
.legal sends out an information email with a guide on how to proceed with the assessment and login information to the DPA Service assessment.
03. Completion
The data processors can now answer the assessment. If any questions should arise in relation to the assessment, the data processors have the opportunity to contact the .legal support team. In addition, the support team continuously monitors the received responses and sends you progress reports through the process.
04. Result
The result of the assessment is an audit report for each data processor as well as a management report, which gives you a comprehensive overview of all your data processors' compliance level. In addition, a final statement of the response rate and any notes from the individual data processors will be sent to you.
05. Follow up
Based on the reports' recommendations, you now have the opportunity to assess whether there is a need for follow up. If the data processor has implemented improvement initiatives and wants to repeat the assessment, .legal can be helpful with this.

Reports Compliance scoring and operational reports
With DPA Service you get ...
Audit reports
The audit reports contain concrete recommendations to help you make decisions for systematically and consistent control of your data processors.
Operational management report
An operational management report gives you a general idea over all your data processors' compliance-level.
Complete overview and history

Time-saving and efficient solution
DPA SERVICE Getting started
200 EUR
pr. audit
(minimum of 5 yearly audits)
Annual payments in arrears, annual commitment.








.legal A/S
+45 7027 0127
VAT-no: DK40888888
+45 7027 0127
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.legal is not a law firm and is therefore not under the supervision of the Bar Council.